RealmTV is a tvOS app and iOS companion for watching Realm videos on large screens
Brewery is a simple GUI for the brew
command line utility used to control the homebrew package manager. This was an opportunity for me to experiment with some OS X technologies such as XPC for communicating with a helper process which actually calls brew
, as well as binding and array controllers. It also contains a light sprinkling of Reactive Cocoa.
Journeys is a simple trip planner for public transport in Ireland which grew out of a college project, providing an interface to the National Transport Authority’s journey planner service. The app communicates with a RESTful application server written in node.js which passes requests on to the National Transport Authority.
Journeys from Seán Labastille on Vimeo.
Dublin Live provides a simple interface to live departure times for Dublin Bus. The site interfaces with a Perl-based backend which handles requests to Dublin Bus. The frontend Javascript is currently being overhauled, however the departures and route schematic tabs should work.